Saturday, June 3, 2017

Problem in America- does racism still exist there?

America, also known as a country of freedom, peacemakers and dreams. But that country clearly has a problem with racial selections. The fact is that dozens of national polls show more than thre quarters of us don't believe we have a problem with racial tension in America. Moreover, not everyone wants to  admit that he or she is a rasist (because of diverity of the society).However,
a carefully chosen questionnaire created by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago with a range of possible answers that evaluated up to seven different characteristics about a variety of groups, religions and ethnicities showed that Americans are far away from being tolerant and equal. Almost 60% of non African-Americans still do think that Black people are less intelligent than whites. Morover, the statistic said that people of color fancy to choose the welfare (including social benefits) than work.This way of thinking comes probably from the slavery times while blacks were treated as things not humans. But in 21th century, in the world of globalisation, when every person shouldn't be judged by the color of the skin, the racism still does exist. The barbaric way of shooting black men whose ,in most cases , are considered criminalists by white police offcers shows that problem isn't resolved yet. Former president of the USA, Barack Obama said "We have made enormous progress in race relations over the course of the last several decades. I have witnessed that in my own life and to deny that progress, I think, is to deny America's capacity to change". We can not disagree. America as the other countries changes and race relations has changed in the past years. We have to remember that in the last century the slavery still existed, so generally the situation for black people improved but it's still far away from being perfect. America needs a new conversation about inegality and racial problem. The kind of inner awarness which has to be improved in Americans and of course other nations too.
Bless up,


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