Today is very special day- on the one hand Mother's day (Wish all the best to all mothers) and on the other hand 33rd anniversairy of Bob Malrey's death. He was fighting with cancer and he lost the battle. But he is still here in our hearts, on our minds. Even if he's dead, he is alive. His albums and songs are still most played reggae songs in the world. If we ask people if they know who Bob Marley is, most of them can describe him self or just sing a song. Robert Nestea Marley achived one big thing: he spead reggae music to all people, no matter what is their color of skin, no matter what is their religion, no matter where they live. He opened people's minds on Rastafari movement and shared his view with the others. His life style "ital is vital" is about Rasta diet which consist of only natural products, without any meat. He said many wise words which are big quotations. During one interview, he was asked: "Possessions make you rich?" And his answer was: "I don't have that kind of richness. My richness is life, forever." I really look up to him!!! I could write and talk about he non stop, but I just wanted to share with u this special date. He's my inspiration and hope for better tommorow.
“Me only have one ambition, y'know. I only have one thing I really like
to see happen. I like to see mankind live together - black, white,
Chinese, everyone - that's all.”
Bless up, Paula